Woodward 2301E 8273-1011 speed controller

2301E Load Sharing and Speed Control, 24 Vdc input, Ordinary

Category: SKU: 8273-1011 Tag:
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The Woodward 2301E controls load sharing and speed of generators driven by diesel or gaseous engines. (These power sources are referred to as “prime movers” throughout this manual.) The 2301E is a microprocessor-based digital control designed to include the functions of and be compatible with 2301A and 2301D load sharing controls. The increased flexibility of software allows the 2301E to include control functions that required additional equipment in previous versions of 2301A and 2301D control systems. The 2301E therefore is suitable for upgrading existing control systems for increased functionality in new installations.


PLC inspection and maintenance
1. Regular inspection
PLC is an industrial control equipment, and although many measures have been taken in terms of reliability, the working environment still has a significant impact on PLC. Therefore, regular inspections of the PLC should usually be conducted every six months. If the working conditions of the PLC do not meet the standards specified in Table 1, some emergency measures need to be taken to ensure that the PLC operates in the specified standard environment.

2. Daily maintenance
Except for lithium batteries and relay output contacts, there are basically no other vulnerable components in the PLC. Due to the use of lithium batteries to protect the random access memory (RAM), counters, and auxiliary relays with retention functions that store user programs, the lifespan of the lithium battery is approximately 5 years. When the voltage of the lithium battery gradually decreases to a certain extent, the battery voltage drop indicator light on the PLC basic unit lights up. Remind users to note that programs supported by lithium batteries can be retained for about a week and the battery must be replaced, which is the main part of daily maintenance.

Steps for replacing lithium batteries:
① Before disassembly and assembly, the PLC should be powered on for at least 15 seconds (this can charge the capacitor as a backup power source for the memory. After the lithium battery is disconnected, the capacitor can temporarily power up the PLC to protect information in the RAM from loss);
② Disconnect the AC power supply of the PLC
③ Open the battery cover of the basic unit
④ Remove the old battery and install a new one
⑤ Cover the battery cover
The battery replacement time should be as short as possible, generally not exceeding 3 minutes. If the time is too long, the program in RAM will disappear.

