CFP-AIO-600 Power Module – NI


The current input range of CFP-AIO-600 is ± 20, 0-20, and 4-20 mA.

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CFP-AIO-600 Power Module – NI



The [c]FP-AI-111 has an overranging feature that measures 5% beyond the nominal values of each range. For example, the actual measurement limit of the ±20 mA range is ±21 mA. The overranging feature enables the [c]FP-AI-111 to compensate for field devices with span errors of up to 5% of full scale. Also, with the overranging feature, a noisy signal near full scale does not create rectification errors. FieldPoint software accounts for the 5% overranging feature and shows the ranges accordingly. For example, the ±20 mA range appears in FieldPoint software as ±21 mA.

To install the FP-AI-111, refer to Figure 1 and complete the following steps:

1. Slide the terminal base key to either position X, used for any module, or position 1, used for the FP-AI-111 module.

2. Align the FP-AI-111 alignment slots with the guide rails on the terminal base.

3. Press firmly to seat the FP-AI-111 on the terminal base. When the module is firmly seated, the terminal base latch locks it into place.

Filter Settings

Three filter settings are available for each channel. The filters on the [c]FP-AI-111 input channels are comb filters that provide notches of rejection at multiples, or harmonics, of a fundamental frequency. You can select a fundamental frequency of 50, 60, or 500 Hz. The [c]FP-AI-111 applies 95 dB of rejection at the fundamental frequency and at least 60 dB of rejection at each of the harmonics. In many cases, most of the noise components of input signals are related to the local AC power line frequency, so a filter setting of either 50 or 60 Hz is best.


The rate at which the [c]FP-AI-111 samples current inputs is determined by the ranges and filter settings you select. When all channels are set to the same range and to 50 or 60 Hz filters, the module samples each channel every 1.23 s or every 1.05 s, respectively. When all channels are set to 500 Hz filters, the module samples each channel every 0.29 s. If you select different filter settings or ranges for the different channels, you can use the following formula to determine the sampling rate:

(number of channels with 50 Hz filters) × 70 ms + (number of ranges used with these channels) × 113 ms + (number of channels with 60 Hz filters) × 60 ms + (number of ranges used with these channels) × 93 ms + (number of channels with 500 Hz filters) × 18 ms + (number of ranges used with these channels) × 3 ms = Update Rate