NI-9265 CompactRIO Analog Output Module

NI-9265 Output Characteristics
Number of channels 4 analog output channels
DAC resolution 16 bits
Type of DAC String

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NI-9265 CompactRIO Analog Output Module


The NI 9265 is a 4-channel, 0 mA to 20 mA, 100 kS/s simultaneously updating C Series analog output module for any CompactDAQ or CompactRIO chassis. It is ideal for interfacing and controlling industrial current-driven actuators at high rates. The module has built-in open-loop detection, which generates an interrupt in software when an open loop is detected as well as zeroing outputs to ensure safety and avoid driving actuators at system power-on. The NI 9265 requires a 9 V to 36 V external power supply and includes a channel-to-earth ground double isolation barrier for safety and noise immunity.


Advanced Features

Note that the National Instruments legacy NI CompactDAQ chassis, the cDAQ-9172, has a limit of 16 programmable output channels, which means you can use only one hardware-timed NI 9264 per chassis. CompactRIO does not have this restriction due to the parallel nature of the field-programmable gate array (FPGA) and the reconfigurable I/O driver.

The spring terminal version of the NI 9264 uses a 36-position connector for the 16 channels of output with each channel having a ground connection. You can purchase extra connectors, which are listed as model NI 9974.

When used in CompactRIO, C Series analog output modules connect directly to reconfigurable I/O (RIO) FPGA hardware to create high-performance embedded systems that deliver the optimization and flexibility of a custom electrical circuit completely dedicated to your input/output application. The reconfigurable FPGA hardware within CompactRIO provides a variety of options for timing, triggering, synchronization, change detection, digital pattern matching, or digital communication. For instance, with CompactRIO, you can implement a circuit to generate complex arbitrary waveforms; perform filtering or splining to generate a smooth output signal based on a choppy, low-speed output command; simulate a nonlinear sensor; or implement amplitude/phase modulation.

Common-mode rejection ratio
High-resolution mode (at DC and 50 Hz to 60 Hz)
Channel-to-COM 100 dB
COM-to-earth ground >170 dB
High-speed mode (at 0 Hz to 60 Hz)
Channel-to-COM 70 dB
COM-to-earth ground >150 dB
Input bandwidth
High-resolution mode 14.4 Hz
High-speed mode 78 Hz
High-resolution noise rejection (at 50 Hz and
60 Hz)
60 dB
Overvoltage protection ±30 V between any two inputs
Differential input impedance 78 MΩ
Input current 50 nA
Input noise
High-resolution mode 200 nVrms
High-speed mode 7 μVrms
Gain error
High-resolution mode
at 25 °C 0.03% typical
at -40 °C to 70 °C 0.07% typical, 0.15% maximum
High-speed mode
at 25 °C 0.04% typical
at -40 °C to 70 °C 0.08% typical, 0.16% maximum
Offset error
High-resolution mode 4 μV typical, 6 μV maximum
High-speed mode 14 μV typical, 17 μV maximum
Offset error from source impedance Add 0.05 μV per Ω, when source impedance
>50 Ω

Backshell Kit
For signal wire strain relief, high-vibration environments, or protection from high voltages, use the NI 9940 backshell kit. Note that this kit is not compatible with the D-Sub version of the module.

D-Sub Accessories
The D-Sub version of the NI 9264 module was designed to accommodate standard 37-pin D-Sub components. NI offers a variety of cables and terminal blocks for this connector option. To eliminate the need for a breakout panel and conserve space, use the NI 9933 37-pin D-Sub connector block. This accessory kit comes with a D-Sub to screw-terminal converter as well as a protective shell to create a custom cable for your specific application.


Key Features
High-performance analog output signal generation for CompactRIO embedded system, R Series expansion chassis, or NI CompactDAQ

Screw terminals, strain relief, high-voltage, and cable options

NI CompactRIO Extreme Industrial Certifications and Ratings

Channel-to-earth ground double-isolation barrier for safety and noise immunity