
Emerson VE3008 CE3008 KJ2005X1-MQ1 12P6381X042 DeltaV I/O system

Product name:Emerson VE3008 CE3008 KJ2005X1-MQ1 12P6381X042 DeltaV I/O system

Product model: VE3008 CE3008 KJ2005X1-MQ1 12P6381X042


AMS uses the process control network, while DeltaV controllers and the PROVOX I/O Interface provide communications access to smart field devices. This provides a seamless solution to manage your plant assets

78 in stock

Category: SKU: VE3008 CE3008 KJ2005X1-MQ1 12P6381X042
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Controller Carrier. DeltaV controllers mount on a 19 inch rack specifically designed to accommodate:

Two DeltaV MD Plus, MQ or MX controllers (one in a simplex installation)

Two PROVOX I/O Interface modules (one in a simplex installation)

Two DeltaV system power supplies (one in a simplex installation)


Railbus Connection. The PROVOX I/O Interface Carrier 37 pin railbus connection may be used to interface with additional DeltaV M-Series I/O modules. Standard 37 pin DeltaV interface cables are used to connect the PROVOX I/O Controller Interface Carrier to traditional DeltaV I/O horizontal carriers. This feature lets you easily expand your system with DeltaV I/O to fully utilize your DeltaV controller investment.


DeltaV Programmable Serial Cards can connect PLCs and other serial devices formerly connected to PROVOX IDIs or EICs (non weigh scale interface option on the EIC).


Complete Integration. The DeltaV Controller Interface for PROVOX I/O control solution is fully supported by DeltaV Explorer, Control Studio, and Diagnostic applications. You can configure and integrate PROVOX I/O as easily as DeltaV I/O.


brand Product Name Product model Order No
EMERSON modular VE3008 CE3008 KJ2005X1-MQ1 12P6381X042 nothing
Place of Origin Marketable land Imported or not defects liability period
Europe and America Nationwide and overseas yes a year
Place of shipment Delivery method How to use Applicable industries
Xiamen Shunfeng Express Commissioning and installation Power Plant Steel Plant Cement Plant Shipboard Papermaking
Service advantages Foreign import, goods preparation and supply Reasonable price and reliable quality Pictures are for reference only
Product features Primary source of goods, supply by model After sales guarantee Chen 1810693-7731


DeltaV Explorer fully supports configuration, commissioning and assignment of PROVOX I/O (Control I/O and MUX I/O) cards. You can auto-sense Control I/O cards, and use DeltaV Explorer to enable and configure all I/O channels.


The DeltaV Diagnostic application supports all PROVOX I/O diagnostic messages. You can easily and thoroughly monitor I/O integrity.


HART® Data Availability. The DeltaV Controller Interface for PROVOX I/O solution can read smart information from field devices connected to PROVOX HART® input and output cards. All of the HART information available in your PROVOX controller is maintained in the DeltaV MD Plus, MQ or MX controller.


The interface can pass HART information to a DeltaV application station, enabling you to use applications such as Asset Management Solutions (AMS) to manage the field devices.