ABB CI869 3BSE049110R1 Communication Interface Module


CI869 3BSE049110R1

ABB CI869 3BSE049110R1 is a specific model of communication interface module in ABB’s industrial automation product line. CI869 is an AC 800M communication interface that enables data communication between controllers and other devices or systems.

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ABB CI869 3BSE049110R1 Communication Interface Module


ABB CI869 3BSE049110R1 is a specific model of communication interface module in ABB’s industrial automation product line.

CI869 is an AC 800M communication interface that enables data communication between controllers and other devices or systems.


Specifically, the CI869 3BSE049110R1 module has the following characteristics and functions:

Communication protocol support: It supports specific communication protocols to ensure compatibility with different devices or systems.

Connection capability: This module is connected to the AF 100 fieldbus via twisted pair (TWP), providing connections to other AC 800M, AC 160, or connecting servers.

Expansion function: The CI869 expansion unit includes CEX-Bus logic, communication unit, and DC/DC converter, which provides the required voltage from the+24 V power supply through CEX-Bus.

Redundant configuration: CI869 can be configured as redundant cables and communication interfaces to improve system reliability and stability.

Data reception and transmission: The AC 800M controller with communication interface CI869 acts as the AF 100 station, receiving data/devices from other AF 100 stations, achieving data transmission and sharing.

Integrated modem: The CI869 integrates a twisted pair modem for easy communication with other devices.

Suitable for high integrity systems: CI869 can also be used for AC 800M high integrity systems, meeting high requirements for system security and reliability in application scenarios.

Please note that the above information is provided based on an understanding of ABB’s industrial automation products. To obtain accurate information and technical specifications about ABB CI869 3BSE049110R1, it is recommended to directly consult ABB’s official documentation, technical manuals, or contact ABB’s technical support team. This will ensure that you obtain the most accurate and reliable information to correctly select, install, and use the device.




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