Delta tau 602804-109 motherboard

Manufacturer: Delta tau
Part Number: 602804-109
Product type: 602804-109 motherboard
Weight: 3 kilograms

Category: SKU: 602804-109 Tag:
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Delta tau 602804-109 motherboard

The ACC-14E uses expansion port memory locations defined by the type of PMAC (3U Turbo or MACRO Station) it is communicating to directly. Typically, these memory locations are used with other 3U I/O accessories such as:
ACC-9E, ACC-10E, ACC-11E ACC-12E
ACC-65E, ACC66E, ACC-67E, ACC-68E
ACC-28E 16-bit A/D Converter Inputs (up to four per card)
ACC-53E SSI Encoder Inputs

All of these accessories have settings, which tell them where the information is to be processed at either the PMAC 3U Turbo or the MACRO Station.

The ACC-14E has a set of dipswitches telling it where to process its data. Once the information is at these locations, the binary word can be processed in the encoder conversion table to use for servo loop closure. Proper setting of the dipswitches ensures all of the U bus I/O boards used in the application do not interfere with each other.

602804-109 Hardware Address Limitations

Some of the older UMAC I/O accessories might create a hardware address limitation relative to the newer series of UMAC high-speed I/O cards. The ACC-14E would be considered a newer high speed I/O card. The new I/O cards have four addresses per chip select (CS10, CS12, CS14, and CS16). This enables these cards to have up to 16 different addresses. The ACC-9E, ACC-10E, ACC-11E, and ACC-12E all have one address per chip select but also have the low-byte, middle-byte, and high-byte type of addressing scheme and allow for a maximum of twelve of these I/O cards.


602804-109 Addressing Conflicts

When using only the type A UMAC cards or the type B UMAC cards in an application, do not worry about potential addressing conflicts other than making sure the individual cards are set to the addresses as specified in the manual. If using both type A and type B UMAC cards in the rack, be aware of the possible addressing conflicts. If using the type A card on a particular chip select (CS10, CS12, CS14, or CS16) then do not use a type B card with the same chip select address unless the type B card is a general I/O type. If the type B card is a general I/O type, then the type B card will be the low-byte card at the chip select address and the type A card(s) will be setup at as the middle-byte and high-byte addresses.

Type A and Type B Example 1: ACC-11E and ACC-36E

If using an ACC-11E and ACC-36E both cards cannot use the same chip select because the data from both cards will be overwritten by the other card. Make sure to not address both cards to the same chip select.

Type A and Type B Example 2: ACC-11E and ACC-14E

For this example, the two cards are allowed to share the same chip select because the ACC-14E is a general purpose I/O type B card. The only restriction in doing so is that the ACC-14E must be considered the low-byte addressed card and the ACC-11E must be jumpered to either the middle or high bytes (jumper E6A-E6H).


The legacy systems are defined as MACRO CPU with the following part numbers:
 602804-100
 602804-101
 602804-102
 602804-103
 602804-104