P0926GH wiring terminal base module


Module – P0926GV
TA Ring Lug – P0926PA
TA Compression Screw – P0926GH

Compression Screw (P0926GH)
272 g (0.6 lb) approximate

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The FBM231 mounts on a Modular Baseplate. The Modular Baseplate can be mounted horizontally or vertically on a DIN rail, or mounted horizontally in a 19-inch rack using a mounting kit. Refer to PSS 31H2SBASEPLT for details. The TA has a combination foot that supports 32 or 35 mm DIN rail mounting.

When practicing programming or writing small programs, if you have time, you can do this training, such as comparing different plans and ideas to broaden your thinking and gain experience.

Program debugging is a program composed of components that must be debugged to discover errors and improve functionality. Debugging is divided into simulation debugging (simulating actual situations) and on-site debugging; Only programs that have been approved for on-site debugging and operation are available. In addition, the considerations during debugging must be comprehensive, listing as many situations as possible, including misoperation, poor components, and sudden power outage, and paying attention to the coordination between the PLC and peripheral circuits. PLC is an integral part of the control system, so it must be considered within the entire system.

In daily learning and accumulating some knowledge and experience, it is necessary to rely on daily accumulation, which is a practical experience for many friends. However, PLC programming itself, especially the basic application of small PLCs, generally feels not difficult. Some people who have used Mitsubishi FX2N, Siemens 200, and Panasonic FP0 feel that basic commands are easy to get started; By consulting manuals and conducting simple experiments, functional instructions can also meet most programming needs. But medium-sized PLCs require more knowledge. Some experienced people have emphasized the necessity of hands-on work, saying, “Learning by doing, doing by learning, and so on, have yielded fruitful results; I feel like I still need to practice and learn quickly. If I don’t work, I’ll forget. We also need to utilize existing conditions for learning. In fact, in maintenance, many experiences can also be gained, such as others’ good methods and shortcomings, including program functionality and circuit design, which can be used for future design.

Conclusion: This article discusses a general direction, and once you grasp this direction, beginners can begin to familiarize themselves with instructions and conduct programming experiments. It is necessary to repeat the previous paragraph: these are a summary and refinement, and for beginners, they still need to experience and verify in practical work, so they mainly serve as a guiding role.

MC-TSIM12 51303932-476
MC-TAMT03 51309223-175
MC-PDOY22 83063975-150