IC697BEM713 Bus Transmitter Module – GE

The IC697BEM713 occupies a single slot of the chassis.

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The Series 90-70 module with catalog number IC697BEM713 is a Bus Transmitter module. This module is used to the local bus where the Centra Processing Unit (CPU) is installed, allowing additional I/O and option modules to be installed to the system. This bus transmitter module is capable of handling up to Seven (7) Bus receiver Modules with catalog number IC697BEM711.

When implementing Local Bus expansion, the maximum distance from the IC697BEM713 Bus Transmitter Module (BEM) to the last IC697BEM711 Bus Receiver Module (BRM) must not exceed 50 ft. Additionally, the last BRM must be installed with a terminating resistor with catalog number IC697ACC702, to close the daisy-chain network. This terminating resistor is attached to the Expansion Port Out of the last BRM.

The IC697BEM713 comes with One (1) Parallel Port used for programming and configuration functions and One (1) Expansion port that connects to the 1st BRM of the network. The appropriate programming software to configure settings and download configuration to the IC697BEM713 are the MS-DOS or Windows programming software configuration function.

The IC697BEM713 occupies a single slot of the chassis, specifically, installed to the to any slot except slot 1 which is reserved for the Series 90-30 CPU. This module has a current draw of 1.4 A, effective data rate of 500 Kbytes / sec and duration to store 16Kbyte program is 20-30 Seconds. This module is designed in compatibility with ME standard C.1. Compatible expansion cables for use with this transmitter module are IC600WD005A (5 ft. (1.5m) cable; IC600WD010A (10 ft. (3m) cable; IC600WD025A (25 ft. (7.5m) cable and IC600WD050A (50 ft. (15m) cable.

The GE Fanuc IC697BEM713 module is a bus transmitter module from Series 90-70. It permits expansions from the main rack when additional modules are required in the system. The IC697BEM713 module allows for expansion to an additional seven IC697 PLC racks. The IC697BEM713 module also provides a parallel interface which can be used by a programming device. The IC697BEM713 module occupies one slot in the rack. There are 2 connectors on the IC697BEM713 module: the connector on the top is provided for interfacing with a programming device and the connector on the bottom allows for daisy-chain configuration to expansion racks through bus receiver modules. The IC697BEM713 modules requires 5 Volts DC voltage from the system backplane and it draws 1.4 Amps of current.

The specifications for the programmer interface include a data rate of 500 kilobytes per second and a maximum supported cable length of 50 feet. The specifications for the expansion interface also include a 500 kilobytes-per-second data rate and a maximum cable length of 50 feet. The IC697BEM713 module can be installed in any slot in the main rack except in slot 1 which is reserved for the CPU. The rack power should be turned off prior to module installation and it can be turned on after the module is installed in the rack. Three green LEDs are provided on the module for displaying status information. The topmost LED turns on when the CPU software completes the power-up configuration of the IC697BEM713 module and has polled all expansion racks in the system. The bottom LED displays the status of the expansion bus. The middle LED is on or blinking when the PLC and the programmer are communicating.

Large DCS system databases must be based on a distributed database structure
The structure of a single database is limited by scale, which is not conducive to the reliability and stability of the system. At the beginning of its design, the Central Control WebField ECS-700 system fully considered large-scale DCS applications. Therefore, a data partitioning concept of “operation domain” and “control domain” was specifically designed on the basis of multiple system databases, which better matches the CCR operation partitioning in project engineering design and the physical partitioning of actual DCS monitoring of FAR. This simplifies the complex configuration relationships of the database to a level that is easy for users to understand, making it easier for users to better build the DCS database structure of the entire project.

In principle, real-time data is only shared at the midpoint of the subsystem network node, and cross domain data needs to be configured reasonably in advance.

Real time data generally refers to real-time data and events generated by DCS controllers, such as dynamic tag data, various alarms and events. In most DCS applications, the operating station (operator) only cares about real-time data within the domain (sub project) and processes it in a timely and necessary manner. For upstream and downstream associated devices and utilities, only partial interface data needs to be viewed.

DCS system/network design scheme
The practical application situation described above greatly reduces the actual load of building large real-time data networks, which means that large DCS systems can be divided into several sub engineering LANs of reasonable scale according to application requirements in advance. The sub engineering databases are independent of each other, and through pre configuration and configuration, data exchange between each sub engineering is achieved, as well as regular sending of pre subscribed real-time data to the management layer.
The central control WebField ECS-700 system is based on IEEE802.3Z Ethernet to achieve partition management of data flow. It applies mature network technologies such as multicast management and VLAN to enable network nodes within logical sub projects to share data, while isolating useless real-time data between sub projects, preventing data flooding on the network, resulting in reduced transmission efficiency and even network congestion.