IC693ALG392C 8-channel analog current/voltage unit

The Series 90-30 PLC uses data from the% AI data table to record the analog values used by the programmable controller.

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IC693ALG392 is an Analog Current/Voltage Output Module for the PACSystems RX3i and Series 90-30. The module has eight single-ended output channels with voltage outputs and/or current loop outputs based on installation by the user. Each channel can be generated the configuration software for the subsequent scopes (0 to +10 volts) as unipolar, (-10 to +10 volts) bipolar, 0 to 20 milliamps, or 4 to 20 milliamps. Each of the channels is able to translate 15 to 16 bits. This is reliant on the range that is preferred by the user. All eight channels are renewed every 8 milliseconds.

The IC693ALG392 module reports an Open Wire fault to the CPU for each channel when in current modes. The module can go to a known last state when system power is disturbed. If external power is continuously applied to the module, each output will keep its last value or reset to zero as configured. Installation in any I/O slot of an RX3i or Series 90-30 system is possible.

This module must gain its 24 VDC power from an outside source that is connected to the terminal block in a direct manner. Each output channel is single-ended and factory adjusted to .625  μA. This may change based on voltage. The user should note that in the presence of harsh RF interference, the exactness of the module may be reduced to  +/-1% FS for current outputs and +/- 3% FS for voltage outputs. One should also note that this module must be fixed in a metal enclosure for correct functioning.

Technical Specifications

No. of channels: 8
VoltageOutput Range: 0 to +10V (unipolar) or -10 to +10V (bipolar)
Current Output Range: 0 to 20 mA or 4 to 20 mA
Update Rate: 8 msec (all channels)
Max Output Load: 5 mA
Power Consumption: 110mA from +5 V bus or 315 mA from +24 V  user supply


Currently, although PLC systems may be the most cost-effective for small devices, DCS systems provide more cost-effective scalability and are more likely to achieve higher initial investment returns.

PLC is an industrial computer used to control production and manufacturing processes, such as robots, high-speed packaging, bottling, and motion control. In the past 20 years, PLC has added more functions, creating more benefits for small factories and devices. PLC is usually operated as a standalone system, but it can also be integrated with other systems and connected to each other through communication. Due to each PLC having its own database, integration requires some degree of mapping between controllers. This makes PLC particularly suitable for small applications that do not require significant expansion.

The DCS system disperses controllers within the automation system and provides universal interfaces, advanced controls, system level databases, and easily shared information. Traditionally, DCS has been mainly applied to process processes and relatively large factories, and large system applications are easier to maintain throughout the entire lifecycle of the factory.

PLC and DCS systems are generally suitable for discrete and process production manufacturing, respectively. Discrete production manufacturing facilities using PLC systems typically consist of separate production units, mainly used to complete the assembly of components, such as labeling, filling, or grinding. Process manufacturing facilities typically use automated systems to produce according to formulas rather than parts in a continuous and batch manner. Large continuous processing equipment, such as refineries and chemical plants, all use DCS automation systems. Hybrid applications typically use both PLC and DCS systems simultaneously. Choosing a controller for a certain application requires considering factors such as the scale of the process, scalability, future update plans, integration requirements, functionality, high availability, and investment return throughout the entire lifecycle of the factory facility.

Process scale: How many input/output (I/O) points are required? A small system (<300 I/O points) may have a smaller budget, so using a PLC system is more suitable. It is not easy to apply the DCS system to smaller projects, on the contrary, it can better fulfill its functions in large factory applications. Due to having a global database, the DCS system is easier to manage and upgrade, and any changes are global.