GE SR469-P1-HI-A20-E protection function device

SR469-P1-HI-A20-E obtains the provided information and creates a protection curve and 100% for any voltage between the minimum voltages.

Category: SKU: SR469-P1-HI-A20-E Tag:
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One of the principle enemies of motor life is heat. When a motor is specified, the purchaser communicates to the manufacturer what the loading conditions and duty cycle will be, as well as, environment and other pertinent information about the driven load such as starting torque, etc. The manufacturer then provides a stock motor or builds a motor that should have a reasonable life under those conditions. Motor thermal limits are dictated by the design of both the stator and the rotor. Motors have three modes of operation: locked rotor or stall (when the rotor is not turning), acceleration (when the rotor is coming up to speed), and running (when the rotor turns at near synchronous speed). Heating occurs in the motor during each of these conditions in very distinct ways.

Typically, during motor starting, locked rotor and acceleration conditions, the motor is rotor limited. That is to say that the rotor will approach its thermal limit before the stator. Under locked rotor conditions, voltage is induced in the rotor at line frequency, 50 or 60 Hz. This voltage causes a current to flow in the rotor, also at line frequency, and the heat generated (I2R) is a function of the effective rotor resistance. At 50 or 60 Hz, the reactance of the rotor cage causes the current to flow at the outer edges of the rotor bars. The effective resistance of the rotor is therefore at a maximum during a locked rotor condition as is rotor heating.

When the motor is running at rated speed, the voltage induced in the rotor is at a low frequency (approximately 1 Hz) and therefore, the effective resistance of the rotor is reduced quite dramatically. During running overloads, the motor thermal limit is typically dictated by stator parameters. Some special motors might be all stator or all rotor limited. During acceleration, the dynamic nature of the motor slip dictates that rotor impedance is also dynamic, and a third overload thermal limit characteristic is necessary. The figure below illustrates typical thermal limit curves. The motor starting characteristic is shown for a high inertia load at 80% voltage. If the motor started quicker, the distinct characteristics of the thermal limit curves would not be required and the running overload curve would be joined with locked rotor safe stall times to produce a single overload curve.

The motor manufacturer should provide a safe stall time or thermal limit curves for any motor they sell. To program the 469 for maximum protection, it is necessary to ask for these items when the motor is out for bid. These thermal limits are intended to be used as guidelines and their definition is not always precise. When operation of the motor exceeds the thermal limit, the motor insulation does not immediately melt. Rather, the rate of insulation degradation has reached a point that motor life will be significantly reduced if it is run any longer in that condition.

DCS communication failure prevention measures
01 Timely perform data backup work
Regular and timely backup of DCS configuration software, PID parameters, and various application software data can be done using mobile hard drives, USB drives, etc., but it is best to use DCS dedicated memory. When the DCS system needs to optimize and modify test points and logic during operation, it is necessary to backup the configuration in advance and make detailed system records, such as PID parameters of each control circuit, positive and negative effects of regulators, etc.
02 Reasonable layout of hard wiring input/output quantity
In order to minimize data exchange between different I/O stations in the DCS, it is necessary to scientifically and reasonably modify and arrange the hard wiring input/output to prevent information transmission congestion caused by excessive transmission load, which may cause abnormal phenomena such as untimely and inaccurate information transmission in the DCS communication system.