Flexible deployment. Traditionally, process safety systems have been deployed either separate from the control system or interfaced to control systems via engineered interfaces based on open protocols (e.g. Modbus). However, most end users require a higher integration for configuration, maintenance, and operations environment. DeltaV SIS can be deployed either as interfaced to any DCS or integrated with DeltaV DCS. Integration is accomplished without scarifying functional separation as safety functions are implemented in separate hardware, software, and networks while being seamlessly integrated at the workstations.
Easy Compliance with IEC 61511. IEC 61511 demands rigorous user management and the DeltaV SIS process safety system provides it. IEC 61511 requires that any changes made from an HMI (e.g. to a trip limit) be extensively vetted to ensure that the right data is written to the right Logic Solver. The DeltaV SIS process safety system automatically provides this data verification.
brand | Product Name | Product model | Order No |
EMERSON | modular | SLS1508 KJ2201X1-BA1 | nothing |
Place of Origin | Marketable land | Imported or not | defects liability period |
Europe and America | Nationwide and overseas | yes | a year |
Place of shipment | Delivery method | How to use | Applicable industries |
Xiamen | Shunfeng Express | Commissioning and installation | Power Plant Steel Plant Cement Plant Shipboard Papermaking |
Service advantages | Foreign import, goods preparation and supply | Reasonable price and reliable quality | Pictures are for reference only |
Product features | Primary source of goods, supply by model | After sales guarantee | Chen 1810693-7731 |
Scales to fit any size application. Whether you have an isolated wellhead or a large ESD/fire and gas application, the DeltaV SIS process safety system scales to provide you with the safety coverage you need for your SIL 1, 2 and 3 safety functions. Each SLS 1508 Logic Solver has dual CPUs and sixteen channels of I/O built into it.
This means that no additional processors will ever be required to expand the system, since each Logic Solver contains its own CPUs. Scan rate and memory usage are constant and independent of system size. SIL 3-rated. DeltaV SLS 1508 Logic Solvers are installed in redundant pairs for increased process availability of your SIS loops.