Rockwell 1756-IF16H Hart Analog Input Module

Part number: 1756-IF16H
Brand: Rockwell
Service: Professional
Warranty: One year
Related models:1756-IF16K, 1756-IF6CIS, 1756-IF6I,
1756-IF8, 1756-IF8K, 1756-IR6I, 1756-IT6I, 1756-IT6I2, 1756-OF4,
1756-OF4K, 1756-OF6CI, 1756-OF6VI, 1756-OF8, 1756-OF8K

Category: SKU: 1756-IF16H Tag:
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Rockwell 1756-IF16H Hart Analog Input Module

Rockwell 1756-IF16H Hart Analog Input Module


The 1756-IF16H module has the following features:
• Choice of three data types
– Analog only
– Analog and HART PV
– Analog and HART by channel
• 0…20 mA or 4…20 mA input ranges
• Module filter
• Real-time sampling
• Underrange and overrange detection
• Wire-off detection
• Highway addressable remote transducer (HART) communication

HART Compatibility
The 1756-IF16IH functions as a HART master. It communicates with HART devices that have a HART revision of 5, 6, or 7. Each channel has its own HART modem and functions as a HART primary master.
The 1756-IF16IH module supports one HART device per channel.
The 1756-IF16IH module does not support burst mode, phase shift keying (PSK), or multi-drop network configuration. The module detects and turns off a bursting device at initial connection with the device.

The 1756-IF16H module incorporates various features to enhance its functionality and flexibility in real-world applications. Let’s break down and organize the information for better clarity:

1. Real-time Sampling (RTS) and Data Multicasting:

  • The module utilizes Real-time Sampling (RTS) to determine how often it scans input channels and acquires available data.
  • During configuration, the user specifies a Real-time Sampling (RTS) period and a Requested Packet Interval (RPI) period.
  • The RTS feature instructs the module to scan its channels before multicasting the data.

2. Underrange and Overrange Detection:

  • The module detects when it operates beyond the limits of the input range.
  • A status indication alerts users when the input signal exceeds the measuring capability, leading to inaccurate measurements.
  • A table provides input ranges for the 1756-IF16H module and the corresponding underrange and overrange conditions.

3. Differential Input Module Limitations:

  • The 1756-IF16H is a differential input module with specific limitations in differential mode.
  • Shared connections are required when the low ends of terminal block pins are connected together, with additional scenarios explained.

4. Status/Fault Data Transmission:

  • The module transmits status and fault data to the controller along with channel data.
  • Fault data offers varying levels of granularity for examining fault conditions, facilitated by three levels of tags.

5. 1756-IF16IH Module Overview:

  • The 1756-IF16IH is an isolated, 16-channel, current-only input module with HART communication capabilities.
  • Features include individually configurable channels, galvanic isolation, two input ranges, compatible tag layouts, and more.

6. Detailed Features of 1756-IF16IH Module:

  • Individual channel configurations with separate HART modems.
  • Galvanic isolation for channel-to-channel, channel-to-backplane, and channel-to-frame ground at 250V AC rms.
  • Two input ranges (0…20 mA and 4…20 mA).
  • Compatibility with 1756-IF16H for tag layouts.
  • Support for simultaneous HART 1200 baud bandwidth, channel ADC filter, digital filtering, and real-time sampling.

7. Additional Functionalities of 1756-IF16IH Module:

  • Auto-scanning of HART variables, user scaling of input data, time stamping, and alarms/fault detection.
  • User calibration via Add-on Profile (AOP) and downloadable firmware using ControlFLASH™ software.
  • “Bumpless” configuration for smooth transitions and removal/insertion under power (RIUP).

By organizing the information in this manner, the article’s content is presented in a structured and coherent fashion, making it easier for readers to comprehend the various aspects of the 1756-IF16H module and its isolated counterpart, the 1756-IF16IH module.